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Getting Through the Fourth Trimester

Mom kissing newborn babyWhen we see moms after they’ve given birth, they say it’s the best adjustment of their life. Once you welcome a child, you’ve been through a physically, mentally and emotionally draining experience.

You want to do everything possible to set yourself up for success in the immediate postpartum period and in becoming a mom to a newborn.

We’ll provide the support you need after you have your baby!

Recovery After Giving Birth

Birthing is extremely tough on a mother’s body. Though you wish you could enter a bubble with your newborn and never emerge, real life will eventually intervene. You might have other children or need to return to work.

The three months after giving birth are called “the fourth trimester.” In these months, your body is trying to heal from birth. Plus, you’re in positions you haven’t been before for breastfeeding or holding Baby, often frozen in place for quite some time.

There are still tremendous demands on the body after you’ve welcomed your baby. Additionally, many babies have trouble latching, or parents just can’t seem to find their rhythm. That can make the fourth trimester physically uncomfortable and emotionally stressful.

Come As You Are

You don’t need to worry about waiting a certain period before you come in to get adjusted. As soon as you’re ready to be here, we’ll warmly welcome you. Don’t worry about whether you’ve had time to shower or do your hair-just come as you are. This is a safe space where you don’t have to worry about what you’re wearing.

Many moms come by on their way home from the hospital or birthing center. We look forward to adjusting you and meeting your new baby!

Comfortable Postpartum Adjustments

You are not required to be adjusted in any certain way. Instead, we talk to you about your preferences and tailor what we’re doing to your comfort. After birth, you might not want to be in a certain position, and we can accommodate you. You can be adjusted lying down, sitting or even standing. Specialized pillows will support you and keep you comfortable.

With our many techniques, we’ll be sure to find what suits you!

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