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Clear Chiropractic Success Stories

What Our Chula Vista Patients Say

At Clear Chiropractic we love when patients share with us their feedback and comments after chiropractic care. Please read our patient testimonials below to see what other people have achieved through their tailored treatment plans with us.

Share your stories too! Click here to send us your feedback so that we can help to spread the word about the benefits of natural Clear Chiropractic care.

For more information, or to schedule an appointment contact us today.



CarterCarter’s journey has been nothing short of remarkable since they found Clear Chiropractic. Carter started care as nonverbal, having been diagnosed with autism, global developmental delays, and speech apraxia. He also struggled to have regular bowel movements. Carter’s mom had tried so many natural remedies and therapies to support his development, but it wasn’t until they uncovered the nervous system dysregulation through neurological scans that things began to change. His speech has improved significantly, and he’s even started saying new words! This has been a huge milestone for Carter.

One of the most profound changes has been in his overall well-being. Since starting regular chiropractic adjustments, his digestive system has improved remarkably, making his days so much smoother. Along with that, his sinus congestion has decreased, and his immune system has become stronger. His family has noticed fewer colds and flu, which is such a relief. It feels like his body is finally getting the chance to thrive the way it was meant to.

Sleep has also become easier for Carter. Bedtime used to be a battle, but now he’s able to settle down more peacefully and sleep better through the night. The improvements we’ve seen in his overall health and happiness have been incredible. Mom says, ” Carter has come so far, we have been able to improve a lot of his sensory issues”



Sofia-and-StuffySofia-and-DocBefore starting care at Clear Chiropractic, Sofia struggled with emotional outbursts and high levels of sensitivity. In just one month, Sofia’s mom saw drastic improvements!

When Sofia first started coming to Clear Chiropractic, she had high levels of anxiety and had to stay by her moms side. Now, Sofia walks into the office with confidence and is always excited to see her favorite doctors!

Sofias mom says she saw improvements in her behavior, had better sleep at night, and even had less separation anxiety!



DahliaWhile under chiropractic care, Dahlia has reached milestones such as rolling from her tummy to her back, smoother eye and head tracking, laughing, and 90 degree tummy time. Chiropractic care has also helped Dahlia improve her latch and mom has seen improvement with colic!

Mom says she has seen great improvements in Dahlia’s health such as improved digestion, improved sleep, and being less fussy.



Ezra-and-TripThe mama of these two boys came in first for anxiety, grief, insomnia, and lack of motivation. She says her “nervous system was shot” after going through an unimaginable family loss.

Ezra originally came in for mood swings, temperament, digestion, and also lack of sleep while Tripp came in for allergies, sleep challenges, aches, and pains.

This caused chaos for their family the boys were experiencing behavior issues, and there was a lack of control for emotions for all 3 of them.

Before coming to Clear Chiropractic, they tried both exercise and medication to help with these health challenges, however they only helped temporarily rather than get to the root of things!

Chiropractic Care helped them get to the root of things.

This fam no longer has to take Zyrtec EVERY DAY… which is a HUGE WIN.

On top of this, this family now sleeps great, has strong immune systems, and has seen a great improvement in behavior.

They can now focus on doing things they love like traveling the world as a family/



AddilynAddilyn was originally brought in for constant back pain. She was only 6 when she first came to our office! No 6 year old should be complaining about back pain. THIS IS NOT NORMAL!!

Addilyn’s mom took her to the doctor before trying chiropractic care and was told “it’s just growing pains”. The doctor even prescribed her Motrin and her mama said “absolutely not” and that’s when she knew there needed to be another solution for this!

After starting her care plan at Clear Chiropractic, Addilyn’s mom saw results at the first 3 weeks? when Addilyn stopped complaining about pain

Now Addilyn’s back pain is COMPLETELY gone, her sensory challenges are less prevalent, and her allergies have even improved

Now this Chiro cutie’s mom is “happy to not hear her child is in pain all the time” and finds peace in the fact that Addilyn can enjoy “normal life without being in pain”

We started seeing Addilyn at just 6 years old and today she started 3rd grade



Tru“Tru started chiro care with mama because he was breech and I wanted to give us the best chance at a vaginal delivery. When he came earthside, we got him adjusted at 6 days old as a way to help him adapt to life outside the womb. I don’t think I noticed any issues that any other 6 day old has… but I do remember he was having trouble latching on one side.

After that breastfeeding was so much more smooth, and he didn’t have issues latching on that side. We just finished our breastfeeding journey and he turned 2 a couple months ago!

I’ve never known Tru without chiro care so I can’t compare a before and after. But what I can say is that he is an excellent sleeper, recovers quickly from any illnesses, and is pretty adaptable to the world around him! He has his moments of course — he’s only 2. But we really do feel like he is able to bounce back from tantrums or high stress situations fairly quickly.” -Estefanie, Tru’s Mama

Tru is about to become a big brother and we can’t wait to see him and his new sister navigate this world with the magic of chiropractic care



SebastianWhen we met this sweet 9 year old, he was facing some tough challenges alongside his diagnosis of autism and ADHD. He was struggling with aggressiveness, severe constipation, trouble with attention span, and difficulty with social skills and connecting with his peers. His mom was dealing with constant problems and multiple calls from school.

This little dude had been constipated since he was a baby, and was taking Miralax twice per day. He would forget instruction easily and getting his attention was a big challenge. On top of that, their relationship had become strained, and he was taking multiple medications to manage his symptoms.

After trying everything—ABA therapy, occupational therapy, and medication—his mom felt exhausted, and nothing seemed to work long-term. That’s when they decided to give chiropractic care a try.

After consistent, gentle adjustments, the results have been truly life-changing! As Sebastian’s body healed, he started sleeping better, his attention span improved, and he was able to better regulate his emotions, with fewer temper tantrums and more ease overall.

Mom says, “he is a happy kid. He is having 2 way conversations with other kids, no more physical aggression, and constipation is a solved problem. And the most important thing is, we stopped medication!”


Emma-and-docMeet Emma, an incredible one-year-old who has shown amazing progress with Chiropractic care!

From the start, Emma had a noticeable preference for turning her head to one side and showed limited use of her left arm. Though she wasn’t diagnosed with full torticollis, her mom knew exactly what to look for and sought early intervention. Initially, Emma had a delay in using her left arm, but she’s now very consistent with it and has reached impressive milestones.

Emma has overcome several hurdles, including difficulties with sleep, digestion, and sensory sensitivities. While she struggled with reflux and hiccups in her early months, she’s now thriving, with better sleep patterns and improved bowel function. Her sensory sensitivities, such as being startled easily and reacting to temperature changes, are also becoming more manageable.

Today, Emma is hitting new milestones with enthusiasm! She’s trying to scoop with a spoon, scribbling with crayons, inserting pegs, running, and even saying five words. Car rides have become easier, and her developmental progress is something we celebrate every day.


KATTALEYAHMeet our amazing 11-month-old superstar! Born at 36 weeks via C-section due to Mom’s high blood pressure, she started out small at 4 lb 13 oz but quickly caught up in growth. Despite challenges with latching and being formula-fed, she’s been making great strides. At 6 months old, she began chiropractic care, which has made a huge difference in her development.

Initially, she faced some delays with sitting and rolling, favoring one side and struggling with tummy time. With the help of PT stretches during diaper changes and consistent chiropractic adjustments, she’s showing incredible progress. Her neck stiffness is gone, her sleep has improved, and tummy time is easier.

Car rides are smoother, digestion is better, and diaper changes are less of a struggle. She’s overcome teething troubles and has fewer tantrums, fewer hiccups, and better head control. Each day brings new milestones, and we’re thrilled to see her thriving and growing stronger every day!



Since beginning consistent chiropractic care, Khyrel has experienced remarkable improvements. He is now more relaxed and less fussy, with better coordination and balance. Bedtime routines have become smoother, leading to more restful sleep. His separation anxiety has eased, and he is more alert and engaged throughout the day. His speech has improved, and he displays more balanced energy levels.

Further benefits of his care in our office include better digestion, improved bowel movements, and a decrease in colds, flu, and ear infections. Khyrel’s memory, behavior, and mood have also shown positive changes, with less sinus congestion and easier breathing. His overall immunity and clearer thinking reflect the significant impact of his care.


Karina-and-AldoAldo was originally brought to Clear Chiropractic for speech delay. While under care, mom says she has seen Aldo reach numerous milestones and couldn’t be more proud! Aldo says his favorite part about coming to Clear Chiropractic is how the doctors are able to help identify what’s going on in his body and help.

Karina, Aldo’s older sister, has seen improvements in her quality of sleep, increased focus, and a better memory.

She says she was able to immediately feel comfortable because of how kind and welcoming the staff at clear chiropractic is!


Lumanlan-FamilyEveryone meet the Lumanlan Family!

They started their journey at Clear Chiropractic when a friend encouraged them to try chiropractic care to increase their overall wellness.

They have the WHOLE family under care! The Lumanlan family said they love how the doctors can adjust people of all ages from babies to parents! While under care, they have seen improvements in coordination, sleep, overall comfort, and have seen their children reach milestones!

They also loved how flexible Clear Chiropractic’s schedule is. Life can be unexpected so having a flexible and caring place made them feel welcomed. They even have family members who aren’t under care come into the practice because they love the energy in the office!


Clear Chiropractic Reviews | (619) 734-9327