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Tis the Season for Setting Boundaries for Your Family

group photo of patients smilingIf your December calendar is filling up quickly with seasonal soirees or multiple family get-togethers, it’s a good idea to evaluate how many of those you need to attend and which ones you can decline. While socializing is certainly good for one’s mental health, too much of a good thing can disrupt the harmony of your family unit.

That’s why setting boundaries can set your family up for a happier and healthier holiday season. Here are some helpful tips:

It’s Okay to Leave Early

If a family gathering is happening all day, you may feel like you need to stay for the entire time. It’s okay to leave if you feel stress setting in or irritation growing. Remember that more is not always better. If just a few hours means better quality interaction, then that’s better than many hours of being overtaxed.

By setting healthy boundaries with your family, you’re setting a great example for your children. You’re not doing things out of a sense of obligation; it’s listening to your body and acknowledging the feedback your body is giving you and your emotional health. When you’ve had enough, you can say, “I’m going to take my family home now.”

Maintain Your Health Routines

It’s so important for families to stay consistent with their chiropractic care and their health routines, such as eating healthy, exercising regularly and getting sufficient sleep.

Everyone Wins When You Set Boundaries

Although boundaries are tough to set, they’re so important. If you do that, everybody wins. When you go to holiday events and are happy, healthy and filled, you can be more present, loving and engaging versus just drudging through the event because you’re obligated.

When you can preserve those things that bring ease to your life, you can bring health to your life and avoid stress, sickness and worry. The result: you can show up bigger and better!

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